Kanban from Scratch

Episode #467 by Teacher's Avatar David Kimura


In this episode, we'll create a kanban style board where cards can be created and moved from one column to another. We will do all of this without any external libraries; using only what is included out of the box with Turbo and Stimulus.
rails hotwire turbo stimulusjs 40:05


  • Introduction (0:00)
  • Creating the models (1:17)
  • Setting up the associations (2:23)
  • Updating the boards controller (4:12)
  • Displaying the columns and cards (4:41)
  • Setting up the routes (9:33)
  • Creating the cards controller (10:28)
  • Creating a move controller (11:03)
  • Seeing what we have so far (12:52)
  • Creating a new card (13:20)
  • Testing out card creations (20:46)
  • Creating the stimulus controller (21:06)
  • Moving the card (33:31)
  • Problem and fix for new cards and redragging (36:34)
  • Testing out moving cards (39:21)
  • Final thoughts (39:45)
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