My project, which is based on the source code from this video.
bugs in the Votes model (has_many :votes, dependent: :destroy move to User model ).
Added new feature:
The title of the vote button changes depending on user actions: up_vote(down_vote) -> undo_vote -> up_vote(down_vote). Title change usually only for current users (Stimulus controller);
Unauthenticated users cannot vote on a comment (Stimulus controller );
The user who voted will receive a flash message with information;
Added the ability for the author of a comment to delete it (Stimulus controller);
Hotwire flash messages (lTailwind style);
Autohide and manual closing of Hotwire flash messages (Bootstrap JS and Stimulus controller);
Comments counter that changes dynamically after adding/removing objects (broadcasts html).
Counter votes, rewritten only on broadcasts HTML parts;