Using LLMs to Generate Tags

Episode #463 by Teacher's Avatar David Kimura


In this episode we'll explore how to use AI to generate tags. We'll cover setting up a self-hosted solution using OpenWebUI and Olama within Docker. And, learn to use the AI to generate and update tags automatically through a background job.
rails artificial intelligence tags 19:55


  • Introduction (0:00)
  • Running Open WebUI and Ollama (1:57)
  • Getting your API Key and downloading a model (2:32)
  • Creating a custom Model and Prompt (3:48)
  • Generating Scaffold and Models (5:26)
  • Quick test of generated scaffold (6:26)
  • Setting up callbacks (6:54)
  • Creating background jobs (8:07)
  • Creating the Ollama service (10:26)
  • Testing out the Ollama service (16:08)
  • Displaying the tags (17:38)
  • Final thoughts (18:53)
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