GitHub Actions
13:20 CC

GitHub Actions

#258 Sep 6, 2020 free
GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. In this episode, learn to set up GitHub Actions on your Ruby on Rails application with automated tests, code coverage reporting, and security testings.

Using CloudFlare CDN
12:58 CC

Using CloudFlare CDN

#257 Aug 30, 2020 pro
A look at serving the static assets within your Ruby on Rails application with the CloudFlare CDN. A broad look at the different configuration options and setting it up to serve image, javascript, HTML, and CSS assets.

Active Storage Uploads Behind a CDN
15:59 CC

Active Storage Uploads Behind a CDN

#256 Aug 23, 2020 pro
Even fast websites can seem slow if it takes a while for the content to get to them. This can be partially solved with a Content Delivery Network (CDN). However, most resources usually only shows how to set up static assets and not uploaded content. Learn how to use Amazon CloudFront to cache and serve uploaded content from Active Storage.

Bulk Upload with Active Storage
7:00 CC

Bulk Upload with Active Storage

#255 Aug 16, 2020 pro
When multiple files are uploaded with Active Storage, they are typically associated to a single record. In this episode, we take a different approach where each file uploaded should be its own record along with direct uploads.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
8:39 CC

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

#254 Aug 9, 2020 pro
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin.