WYSIWYG Editor with Summernote
7:40 CC

WYSIWYG Editor with Summernote

#27 May 2, 2016 free
Integrate Summernote WYSIWYG Editor into your application. Learn how to use AJAX callbacks to filestore your images instead of database Base64.

Meta Tags
4:39 CC

Meta Tags

#26 Apr 25, 2016 free
Adding Meta Tags to your website is important for SEO ranking and content display. Learn how to easily add meta tags to your Ruby on Rails application.

Faye WebSockets - Part 2
6:46 CC

Faye WebSockets - Part 2

#25 Apr 17, 2016 free
Learn how to install and configure a thin server within a Linux environment hosting a Faye WebSocket application. This episode includes showing you how to server your WebSockets over a secure SSL connection.

Fragment Caching
7:07 CC

Fragment Caching

#24 Apr 14, 2016 free
Make your application faster by leveraging memory and caching fragments of your view.

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID
5:11 CC

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID

#23 Mar 2, 2016 free
Some cases require non-auto incrementing primary keys as well as multiple master writes without id conflicts. With ActiveUUID, we can configure our table's primary key with confidence without added complexity.