Curated list of episodes, bundled to help you on your learning path!
Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
Articles around software and tutorials.
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Logging is an important part of understanding the behavior of your applications. Your logs contain essential records of application operations including database queries, server requests, and errors.
There's many benefits to running your own cache and proxy for Ruby gems. In this episode, we look at provisioning, configuring our system and projects to use a Gem in a Box instance.
In this episode, we explore deploying HAProxy, a high performant load balancer, with Kamal. We'll look at various scenarios where it is a great fit and other scenarios where you'd want to avoid HAProxy.
Solid Queue is a DB-based queuing backend for Active Job, designed with simplicity and performance in mind. In this episode, we'll look at exploring Solid Queue and and option for a graphical interface to view the jobs.
In this episode, we take a new approach to the python service that our Rails background jobs will be calling. This is a more stable and thread safe approach and more simple to implement. We'll look at creating a Text to Image generation service that our Rails application will interact with.
Heroku is not the only PaaS anymore and there are some cheaper alternatives now-a-days. In this episode, we explore deploying a Ruby on Rails 7 application to Render.
GitLab is a great version control software which has options to either self host or or use their hosted solution. In this episode, we look at using the GitLab Runner to run our Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.