Curated list of episodes, bundled to help you on your learning path!
Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
Articles around software and tutorials.
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In this episode, we explore some of the new features with Turbo and interactions that we can do with little or no javascript.
Using StimulusJS and Turbo, we are able to dynamically update select input with content based on another select input. This allows for a seamless user experience while having a configurable and maintainable backend.
Using Scenic, you can bring the power of SQL views to your Rails application without having to switch your schema format to SQL. Scenic provides a convention for versioning views that keeps your migration history consistent and reversible and avoids having to duplicate SQL strings across migrations.
CSS Bundling for Rails provides a new way for importing and managing our CSS assets in Rails Applications, but it does have some challenges around a few libraries (specifically font awesome and a few others) which we'll look at in this episode.
In this episode, we look at several issues around pagination and different kinds of querying that could affect performance when working with large datasets.
Sorcery is a stripped-down, bare-bones authentication library, with which you can write your own authentication flow. In this episode we look at creating the controllers and views for a simple authentication solution.
In this episode, we look at changing the default Rails 7 development environment over to a Docker based environment.
With Rails 7 coming out soon, it's a good time to look at what it could take to upgrade our existing applications to esbuild. In this episode, we start with a Rails 6 application and begin the upgrade process by removing Webpacker and switching over to esbuild.
In this episode, we create a chat application using Rails 7, esbuild (JS Bundling), CSS Bundling, Hotwire, and Action Text. We also dive into some issues around CSS Bundling and Action Text.
In this episode, we look at creating a middleware to track errors to publish to another error "from scratch" error monitoring application.