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In Ruby on Rails 5.1.0, generated virtual column support was added for MySQL and MariaDB. Using generated and stored columns can leverage heavy calculations to the SQL side.
Using the Google Maps Javascript API, learn how to plot markers onto a map. Load markers and info windows through AJAX calls to your Rails JSON API.
Learn to create a multi-tenant application where access to tenants are determined by the subdomain.
Using the Geocoder gem and Google APIs, learn how to add some geolocation functionality to your application.
Working with an autocomplete can be very simple. However, things get complicated when you try to use HTML markup in the displayed results. Learn how to use HTML markup within your autocomplete results!
The DataTables Javascript library creates a powerful display of your application's data. Some of the features include pagination, server side processing, sorting and search.
Using Bootstrap in your application has become much more simple. Also learn to create some helper methods to make working with Bootstrap much easier.
The routes file can grow to be unmaintainable and messy. Learn to keep things organized by extracting out blocks of routes into their own files.
Mountable Engines are a great way to extract code into its own namespace and allow the code to be reused in other applications. Other popular gems that are mountable engines are Devise and Doorkeeper.
When displaying a count of records, this will generate extra SQL Queries. Learn how to reduce the number of SQL queries called with counter caching the number of associated records.