Curated list of episodes, bundled to help you on your learning path!
Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
Articles around software and tutorials.
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In this episode, we look at several issues around pagination and different kinds of querying that could affect performance when working with large datasets.
In this episode, we look at creating a middleware to track errors to publish to another error "from scratch" error monitoring application.
Use esbuild to bundle your JavaScript, then deliver it via the asset pipeline in Rails. This gem provides an installer to get you going with esbuild in a new Rails application.
Import maps let you import JavaScript modules using logical names that map to versioned/digested files – directly from the browser. This will be a default in the upcoming Rails 7.
In this episode, we look at some common functionality that we got with Rails UJS and what it looks like to reimplement these with Hotwire's Turbo and StimulusJS.
Analytics can provide great information about your users and the content that you're producing. With using the Ahoy gem, we can gather powerful analytics without handing them over to third parties.
I don't get around to doing these too often, but they are always a lot of fun. In this episode, we'll look at ten different Ruby on Rails tips and tricks.
Using StimulusJS and nested forms, we create the first parts of a questionnaire. Dynamic surveys can be difficult to architect and maintain. In this episode, we take a simple approach to creating questionnaires.
Sometimes we get into situations where our applications requires a different type of user account which wouldn't really fit into a role. So, in this episode we look at creating multiple resources for authentication with Devise.
In this episode, we look at modifying our Rails application and building a hybrid native application for iOS using Hotwire.