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Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
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In this episode, we will upload a CSV file but need to pass it into a background job. This can prove to be difficult based on the hosting infrastructure so we'll explore some mechanisms to work around them. We'll also look to optimize Solid Queue to handle the large number of jobs.
Make your Active Storage uploads searchable with Optical Character Recognition (OCR). In this episode, we'll look at uploading documents with Active Storage and then using a gem to perform the optical character recognition on the uploaded files.
Validation of files that are uploaded can provide a better user experience as it sets the expectations of what kinds of files, their sizes and if they're even required. In this episode, we'll look at creating different types of validators for Active Storage.
In this episode, we take a new approach to the python service that our Rails background jobs will be calling. This is a more stable and thread safe approach and more simple to implement. We'll look at creating a Text to Image generation service that our Rails application will interact with.
In this episode, we have a look at three different methods of zipping Active Storage files and sending the zipped file to the end user. Each approach has its own benefits and the best approach will depend on your use case.
In this episode, we look at cleaning up our Active Storage variants and also look at several different use cases to manipulate the images with resizes, watermarks, format and quality.
AWS S3 has been a reliable service over the years and for a long time it was the only option. However, in the past few years, there has been more cloud storage options that have popped up with compatible S3 APIs. These services can sometimes offer better pricing and speeds.
With custom controllers and Global ID, we can lock down Active Storage files to provide a link which expires after a duration of time. At the beginning of the video, I tour the new Rails 7 template and configuration that will be used for episodes going forward.