This series shows a few different approaches to APIs and covers various topics like ReactNative, iOS applications, Versioning, Error Handling and more.
In this episode, we look at setting up a Rails 7 API (only) application and create our own authentication solution. We'll also write the tests around the different controller endpoints that we create to make sure that we have good test coverage and functionality.
A brief introduction on Rails API. Learn how to create an API application and setup the routes. This episode is paving the way for more in depth looks into Rails API.
Save expensive calculation time using Rack::Attack, we will learn how to limit requests coming into our application. This gem not only limits requests, but can be used to blacklist or whitelist users as well.
Using ActiveModel::Serializer, learn how to create the JSON responses for your Rails API application. ASM is a great object oriented approach to building a JSON API.
Using the URI or Accept Headers, we can version our API to prevent breaking changes to our end users. In this episode, we look at versioning our RESTful API.
OAuth alone can be a difficult task. Combined with a Javascript Framework or Mobile Application, and things can get confusing quickly. In this episode, we look at a standalone React Component authenticating to a Rails 5 only API.
In this episode, we look at building a React Native application from scratch and tie it to a Ruby on Rails API application. Using the iOS Simulator, we test out the connectivity between the two applications.