I got "unknown regexp options - lcalht", however, elasticsearch.log shows I had started elasticsearch fine.
what did I do wrong?
Thanks in advance
never mind of my previous comment...forget it. Sorry!
I have cloned your code to my ubuntu 16.04 running Ruby 2.3.3 with rails 5.0.1.
Everything works except autocomplete. I got a 500 Internal Server Error.
The console in Chrome browser showed that it got a stop at line 9537 of Jquery3, It stops at the same line no mater Jquery, Jquery2, or Jquery3
The line shows the following code as,
xhr.send( options.hasContent && options.data || null );
Any hints for me?
Thanks in advance!
elasticsearch works in my server. However, I am not sure if I need to configure it for this tutorial.
http://localhost:3000 works
As soon as I typed letter "i", autocomplete started to give me some error messages.
After "iron" and search, then
Movie.search(search, where: { year: { gt: 2000 } })
is highlighted to indicate where it stopped. What is your Ruby version? I got 2.3.3, perhaps I should try your Ruby version. Thank you for looking into this!
def index
search = params[:term].present? ? params[:term] : nil
@movies = if search
# Movie.where("title LIKE ? OR plot LIKE ?", "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%")
Movie.search(search, where: { year: { gt: 2000 } })
Searchkick::InvalidQueryError - [400] {"error": {"root_cause": [{"type": "query_shard_exception","reason": "[match] analyzer [searchkick_word_search] not found","index_uuid": "3I4KbiHfSBqIYPWZlzkFKA","index": "movies_development"}], "type": "search_phase_execution_exception","reason": "all shards failed","phase": "query","grouped": true,"failed_shards": [{"shard": 0,"index": "movies_development", "node": "OvOTxtcQQpusc1OQk8tvMQ","reason": {"type": "query_shard_exception","reason": "[match] analyzer [searchkick_word_search] not found","index_uuid": "3I4KbiHfSBqIYPWZlzkFKA","index": "movies_development"}}],"caused_by": {"type": "query_shard_exception","reason": "[match] analyzer [searchkick_word_search] not found","index_uuid": "3I4KbiHfSBqIYPWZlzkFKA","index": "movies_development"}}, "status": 400}: