Update. [not sure if this was introduced in Rails 7 or before] Instead of hardcoding the URL in the postURL method, it is possible to use the direct_upload: true in the file field and retrieve its value calling this.inputTarget.dataset.directUploadUrl
☒ I'm not sure the token is still required in Rails 7.0.2 I was building an app few days ago and found out that you can remove it... Also, if planning to use it it seems that you can write const token = event.target.dataset.directUploadToken; inside the stimulus controller (Rails 7 required) and avoid writing an helper method to generate the token and declaring it in the form.
nelsonchavespro I do not think so. From what I found out, you have to implement this logic in a Stimulus controller. There is an example from DHH in a comment about this feature request in GitHub. Here is a thread about this topic on Reddit with all the links I found: https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/vntbl3/best_way_to_deal_with_sorted_data_in_a_stream/ feel free to contradict me if you find a better way. Cheers
Very quick question regarding the answers route. Why not adding shallow: true to it so that edit and delete can be performed by just knowing the answer id. After the answer is created, there is no need to carry the question id when it comes to edit or delete it, no?
What tools would you recommend to obfuscate sensitive data when dumping a database? I know there are some gems, but not sure how they would fit in this process.