David Kimura PRO said over 8 years ago on Client Side Validations :

Glad to hear!

starswan said almost 8 years ago on Client Side Validations :

The last section doesn't work properly - you need to count the failure callbacks (and the successes) and only enable the submit button when the error count reaches zero. Otherwise with 2 fields on the form, you can error the first, complete the second and then submit the form.

Denny Deng said over 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :

I think the original code of client_side_validations had been changed since you made this tutorial.

For one, their is no line of 658 in rails.validations.js. There are a total of only 574 lines.


gem 'client_side_validations',

    github: 'DavyJonesLocker/client_side_validations',

    branch: 'rails5'

gem 'client_side_validations-simple_form',

    github: 'DavyJonesLocker/client_side_validations-simple_form',

    branch: 'rails5'

It would get me an error message when I bundle installed.

I am struglling to get this to work. Could you be kind enough to point me to right direction?

David Kimura PRO said over 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :

Their later versions should support Turbolinks and Rails 5. However, they did deprecate the Uniqueness validation as it could be seen as a security risk. You shouldn't have to specify the branch anymore.

Denny Deng said over 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :

gem 'client_side_validations'

I tried to bundle install this and worked.

With so many trial and errors, I still could not figure this out. 

Denny Deng said over 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :

It is working now after I have restarted the server!

Thank you  so much!

David Kimura PRO said over 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :

Great! Glad to hear!

jakeyeaton16 said about 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :
I have been trying to get this to work for little bit now and I'm wondering if it's because i'm using form_with. Do you know how to work around this? This is what I have: ``` ```

David Kimura PRO said about 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :
It looks like `form_with` is not supported. https://github.com/DavyJonesLocker/client_side_validations/issues/696

jakeyeaton16 said about 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :
Hmm... shoot. So if a person wants to use form_with they will need to use good old fashion jQuery validation?

David Kimura PRO said about 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :
Yea, that's what it sounds like. Seems kind of silly to not support `form_with` if the other two will be deprecated in the next year or so.

jakeyeaton16 said about 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :
Yeah it does haha By the way. Do you have a video about how to create the commenting style like you have? It's much like Reddit :)

David Kimura PRO said about 7 years ago on Client Side Validations :
I don't yet, I plan to add one and work on this one more. I used Summernote for a while, but I didn't like having to deal with parsing HTML in some scenarios. This seemed like a much better option since most developers are familiar with Markdown. This library is called SimpleMDE (https://simplemde.com/). I'll probably cover an episode on it soon with integrating with ActiveStorage or something similar.

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