David Kimura PRO said over 3 years ago on Diving into Hotwire :
  Have a look at the source https://github.com/hotwired/turbo-rails/blob/main/app/models/concerns/turbo/broadcastable.rb on the broadcast methods. At the top, there is a bit where they show a callback to then trigger a broadcast.

after_create_commit :broadcast_later


def broadcast_later
  broadcast_prepend_later_to examiner.identity, :clearances

Since you will want to update a count, you would likely want to replace instead of prepend. The broadcast_replace_to would likely be what you would want. However, if there are a lot of users, you may want to do this in a background job with broadcast_replace_later_to instead. It looks like this allows you to specify a partial as well as the local variables which in your case would be the product count..

# Replace this broadcastable model in the dom for subscribers of the stream name identified by the passed
# <tt>streamables</tt>. The rendering parameters can be set by appending named arguments to the call. Examples:
#   # Sends <turbo-stream action="replace" target="clearance_5"><template><div id="clearance_5">My Clearance</div></template></turbo-stream>
#   # to the stream named "identity:2:clearances"
#   clearance.broadcast_replace_to examiner.identity, :clearances
#   # Sends <turbo-stream action="replace" target="clearance_5"><template><div id="clearance_5">Other partial</div></template></turbo-stream>
#   # to the stream named "identity:2:clearances"
#   clearance.broadcast_replace_to examiner.identity, :clearances, partial: "clearances/other_partial", locals: { a: 1 }
def broadcast_replace_to(*streamables, **rendering)
  Turbo::StreamsChannel.broadcast_replace_to *streamables, target: self, **broadcast_rendering_with_defaults(rendering)