pstovel said over 6 years ago on Not RJS and Turbolinks :
Thank you for this episode and #21 = they were super helpful! Good info also from previous comments (thank you!) Sometime if you could do a version contrasting Bootstrap modal vs Foundation 6 reveal that would be cool. I'm working on a rails application that uses Foundation 6 reveals vs bootstrap modal. I have it working, however the page by page (index, new, show, etc) error message handling that used to work (for example** ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique**). The second comment touches on the validation/error handling which is kind of what brought me here... After investigation, we don't necessarily want the popped-up reveal to close but ideally have some JS reload the reveal popup with the errors. At the moment this is beyond my skill and experience - I will have to leave that for later. The workaround below makes me feel like I'm ignoring the error handling that is already there. What I did manage, trying to stick to DRY, was in the **application_controller.rb** I put rescue_from logic. Here ( just as an example - i realize this is a very crude and simplistic way of handling these errors.) For now its better than having nothing happen (from the user point of view) rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, with: :record_not_unique private def record_not_unique(exception) @errormessage = "Record not unique - attempt to create a duplicate." render 'layouts/activerecord_alert' end Here are the simple **layouts/activerecord_alert.js.erb** contents: alert(''); At first I passed the entire message (exception.message) but there were colon characters to escape and too much info for the end users. Of course, other exceptions will have to be covered off but now i have at least a crude way to handle them.