David Kimura PRO said over 8 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

puma-dev now supports the ability to map your application with a helper. This would replace the need to use the pumad script as shown in the video.

puma-dev link [-n name] [dir]

marklar said over 8 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

Thanks for the screencast. Do you know whether puma-dev works with foreman?

David Kimura PRO said over 8 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

You may not need foreman with puma-dev since it will automatically start up your Rails app on the first request.

marklar said over 8 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

I use my procfile with foreman to start redis and resque, would these automatically start with puma-dev?

David Kimura PRO said over 8 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

Puma-dev wouldn't automatically start those services. It will just start the Rails app.

frank004 said about 8 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

Im having the same problem Im using procfile with foreman. How can we implement the use of it.

blimey85 said over 7 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

I got this working fine except I don't get any logging for the actual app that's running. It tells the the app has booted and then nothing.

* Directory for apps: /Users/gary/.puma-dev
* Domains: dev
* DNS Server port: 9253
* HTTP Server port: inherited from launchd
* HTTPS Server port: inherited from launchd
! Puma dev listening on http and https

Without being able to see the logging output it's not usable for me, which sucks because this seems rather nice.

Edit: turnning on debug mode shows minimal logging. Still haven't found how to enable full development logging.

David Kimura PRO said over 7 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

You should be able to tail the development logs. You should be able to go into your app directory and tail the logs

tail -f log/development.log

After you run the puma dev install, it should not stay in your terminal, it should redirect you back to the command prompt.

blimey85 said over 7 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

Well I'll be damned. That makes perfect sense. The other log file shows the puma-dev specific stuff and the stuff I need is where you indicated. That's perfect. Thanks for the help! I'm learning a lot from your great videos.

ramonrails said over 7 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

I added a small script to manage puma-dev easily. Basically all scripts suggested above, in a bash script.

Here is the gist https://gist.github.com/ramonrails/d7056dd8af8c583f56493903fefbdb0c

Thank you.

PS: Nice video series. Keep going. Open source community is great! I hope my tiny contribution helps.

Navid Shafie said about 6 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :
Thanks @kobaltz Great series. I have a issue here. I've done everything right. I've double/triple checked everything. When I run pumad, I get the message promted as web application can be accessible in http://app-name.test and when I run sudo puma-dev -setup I get: Changing '/etc/resolver/test' to be owned by UserName. So when I get the message that application can be viewed in http://app-name.test or https://app-name.test, when I go there in my browser, its loading for a minute or so and then I get error: didn't find IP-address for app-name.test. any help is appreciated and thanks in advance!

David Kimura PRO said about 6 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :
Try rebooting. also you can `tail -f ~/Library/Log/puma-dev.log` to see what the bootup errors are

Navid Shafie said about 6 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :
Thanks for your reply @kolbaltz, first in the app directory I ran rm ~/.puma-dev/"$(basename `pwd`)" to remove it from puma-dev, so when I go to ~/.puma-dev I can't see any folders and then I ran pkill -USR1 puma-dev to kill everything and than I ran pumad to start it again, but same issue. Not sure what I did wrong at this point :/ Btw when I run which puma-dev I get this: /usr/local/bin/puma-dev Im in rails 5.1 full message when I ran pumad: * Use '/usr/local/Cellar/puma-dev/0.12/bin/puma-dev' as the location of puma-dev * Installed puma-dev on ports: http 80, https 443 Your app should be available at http://appname.test and https://appname.test now!

Navid Shafie said about 6 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :
I ran tail -f ~/library/Logs/puma-dev.log and this is the output: * HTTPS Server port: inherited from launchd ! Puma dev listening on http and https and bunch of 2018/12/28 20:25:21 Error listening: accept tcp accept: invalid argument * Directory for apps: /Users/UserName/.puma-dev * Domains: test * DNS Server port: 9253 * HTTP Server port: inherited from launchd * HTTPS Server port: inherited from launchd ! Puma dev listening on http and https 2018/12/28 20:25:31 Error listening: accept tcp accept: invalid argument

Navid Shafie said about 6 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :
[SOLVED] For future reference for others if they had same issue as me. My problem was that I had programs running on port 80, so I ran ** lsof -t -i :80** and saw the programs running there, after that I ran ** lsof -t -i :81** (or **lsof -t -i :YOUR-PORT**) to check if anything running there and it wasn't so I did **puma-dev -install -install-port 81** and that solved my issue. Another issue some Mac (chrome) user can face is the certificate issue. What I did was to drag the certificate to my desktop and than drag it to my keychain and allow everything, quite and restart chrome and my problem was solved. Thanks for great series @kobaltz

Беляев Дмитрий said almost 6 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :
I've install **puma-dev** at the latest Mojave 10.14.3 and got the following: ``` unexpected exit: from /usr/local/bin/puma:25:in `' ``` On the white screen. Logs are: ``` ! Detecting app 'nohum' dying on start ! SHELL env var not set, using /bin/bash by default! Booting app 'nohum' on socket /Users/dima/.puma-dev/nohum/tmp/puma-dev-32809.sock nohum[32824]: bash: no job control in this shell nohum[32824]: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:319:in `to_specs': Could not find 'puma' (>= 0.a) among 19 total gem(s) (Gem::LoadError) nohum[32824]: Checked in 'GEM_PATH=/.gem/ruby/2.3.0:/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0:/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0', execute `gem env` for more information nohum[32824]: from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:328:in `to_spec' nohum[32824]: from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_gem.rb:65:in `gem' nohum[32824]: from /usr/local/bin/puma:25:in `' ! Killing 'nohum' (32824) * App 'nohum' shutdown and cleaned up ! Detecting app 'nohum' dying on start ``` It seems like it tries to get gems from system preinstalled Ruby distribution, but I use rbenv. How to make it work with rbenv?

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