Jonas Lin said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

There is a little bit spelling mistake in config/environments/development.rb:

`post' => 'port'

David Kimura PRO said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

Thanks! Show Notes have been corrected.

dancinglightning said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

Nice. Maybe next some on how to cache (an expire) actual models with association.

But my question: Was there something about the ubuntu install ? Specifically how to autostart that?

And for a shared host (many apps, many mysql's ) , are different db or namespaces or redis instances better ?


David Kimura PRO said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

I'll usually use the same database but different namespaces. However, I will put services on their own database. For example, if I were using Redis for caching as well as storing the User Sessions, I would put caching on db 0 and the sessions on db 1. This makes it easier to flush all of the stored cache without wiping out the user sessions (or vice versa).

adsr13 said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

I'm using postgresql installed by brew. which I believe is running on default port 5234. Your vid explains I can set a new ip in my case where my rails app run. My questions is how do I make my rails app, postgressql db, and redis server all sing together? Thank you! 

adsr13 said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

After creating a visitors controller for my example app to go along with this vid. I got this error

cdb:redis adsr13$ bin/rails rails g controller visitors index

rails aborted!

TypeError: Redis is not a module

/Users/adsr13/Google Drive/workspace/redis/config/application.rb:9:in `<top (required)>'

/Users/adsr13/Google Drive/workspace/redis/Rakefile:4:in `require_relative'

/Users/adsr13/Google Drive/workspace/redis/Rakefile:4:in `<top (required)>'

Please advise?

David Kimura PRO said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

It looks like you may have created a Rails app called Redis. This could be causing a conflict with the gem. You should think of Redis as a reserved name.

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