vad2der said about 7 years ago on Sidekiq on Production :

in the sidekiq.rb initializer

config.redis = {url: ENV['REDIS_PROVIDER']}

would be wrong as long as ENV['REDIS_PROVIDER'] = 'REDISTOGO_URL' as we see in your example. The correct one would be

config.redis = {url: ENV[ENV['REDIS_PROVIDER']]}

PS. thanks for the tutorial!

David Kimura PRO said about 7 years ago on Sidekiq on Production :

Thanks vad2der, that is correct if we set the REDIS_PROVIDER to the string REDISTOGO_URL instead of the environment variable.. 

Kiran Patil said almost 7 years ago on Sidekiq on Production :
How about new episode on [sneaker]( gem ?

Alejandro Ventura said over 6 years ago on Sidekiq on Production :
I'm getting this error in Heroku: ``` No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /app/tmp/pids/ ``` Any suggestiong how to fix it?

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