dancinglightning said about 7 years ago on Testing with RSpec :

Nice one.

Creating the models with factory_girl makes for much better reuse and smaller code.

And adding guard and autosave in the mix, the workflow has less steps and is much faster. 

David Kimura PRO said about 7 years ago on Testing with RSpec :

Agreed, will be covering both of those in upcoming episodes.

sezama03 said about 7 years ago on Testing with RSpec :

Hi @kobaltz, thank you so much for too much effort in make the videos as good as they are, can you create an episode for use mock and stubs?

David Kimura PRO said about 7 years ago on Testing with RSpec :

Hello. I plan on continuing the series with other parts of testing; Capybara, FactoryGirl, Mock, CI, CD, etc.

vidurpunj said over 5 years ago on Testing with RSpec :
Thanks @Kobaltz, for such an informative post.

KelseyDH said over 5 years ago on Testing with RSpec :
Controller tests are no longer recommended for rspec -- they recommend request specs instead.

richstone.io said over 4 years ago on Testing with RSpec :
interestingly, r g rspec:controller users created for me spec/requests/coins_request_spec.rb instead of spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb `-.-`

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