David Kimura PRO said over 4 years ago on Tracking Changes on Action Text :
  I would actually prefer a separate controller. When I first started out development, I would have several compromises with my controllers. First they were fat controllers, then they had various actions outside of the standards and so on. These all seemed fine until I had to go back and work on these older applications and these kinds of patterns were a pain to go back and work in. So, I would actually have a different controller and in this particular case, I would not have it dependent on articles. I would have probably do something like

resources :versions, only: [] do
  resource :restore

The reason why I would prefer leaving the article out of it is that the polymorphic association in the Version table already knows who the item belongs to. So, we can look up that item and do the necessary checks. I also like this way because then we can write it one time, and not have to worry about all of the different Action Text attributes used by other models; this solution would work for all of them.