jamessral said about 6 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
This will be pretty cool when Rails 6 lands! Looks really easy to use.

Jan Krupa said almost 6 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
I'm currently trying this out, but I run into some error. When I want to save a content, which contains some image, it raises an error Field 'blob_id' doesn't have a default value Without an image, it works fine. For now, I'm using https://github.com/kylefox/trix/ which works fine and it's simple. But images are saved within the same model. I suppose I'll wait until rails 6 will be out. (currently using

David Kimura PRO said almost 6 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
There could be a configuration issue with the Active Storage. https://www.driftingruby.com/episodes/in-depth-look-into-activestorage is a good episode on the setup and usage of ActiveStorage. Also, try to create a new `` application and minimally add in the Action Text with Active Storage. See if you run into the same issues so you can at least determine where the issue is.

Jan Krupa said almost 6 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
I have still no idea why this does not work. Again i came up with same problem. I'll try it tomorrow from scratch and I let you know if something different will came up. Thanks for a help.

Jan Krupa said almost 6 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
I create a new application now with SQLite and it works. But updating articles with inserted images from the web are impossible. I've created a [repository](https://github.com/Kani999/action-text-template) with docker-compose. At the end of README is a tutorial on how to run the application and problem description. I hope I get this run with MySQL, I'll let you know if I do some progress. Sorry for spamming.

bjelline said almost 6 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
To get this running on my rails5 app I also had to run ``` rails action_text:install ``` it gives you the first two migrations seen [in the example code here](https://github.com/driftingruby/167-using-actiontext-in-a-rails-5-2-application/tree/master/db/migrate) , and runs ``` yarn add https://github.com/kobaltz/actiontext from "." ```

bjelline said almost 6 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
and i had to add ``` import "trix/dist/trix.css"; ``` to app/javascript/packs/application.js

Simon Kiteley PRO said about 5 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
Thanks, that fixed my styling issue :)

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