Joined 11/19/2016
adsr13 said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

I'm using postgresql installed by brew. which I believe is running on default port 5234. Your vid explains I can set a new ip in my case where my rails app run. My questions is how do I make my rails app, postgressql db, and redis server all sing together? Thank you! 

adsr13 said over 8 years ago on Redis Basics :

After creating a visitors controller for my example app to go along with this vid. I got this error

cdb:redis adsr13$ bin/rails rails g controller visitors index

rails aborted!

TypeError: Redis is not a module

/Users/adsr13/Google Drive/workspace/redis/config/application.rb:9:in `<top (required)>'

/Users/adsr13/Google Drive/workspace/redis/Rakefile:4:in `require_relative'

/Users/adsr13/Google Drive/workspace/redis/Rakefile:4:in `<top (required)>'

Please advise?

adsr13 said about 8 years ago on Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Architectural Overview :

Rails 5 eliminates the necessity to call for 'rake db:migrate' to migrate a database. 'bin/rails or rails db:migrate is suffice. All 'rake' tasks are built into the 'rails' command. You may find this information to be valid here: