Joined 10/15/2019
brian said over 3 years ago on From Webpacker to esbuild :
Did you do anything with UJS to make it work?

I am getting: Rails is not defined.

import Rails from "@rails/ujs"
window.Rails = Rails

brian said over 3 years ago on esbuild for Rails :
How would you load icon fonts with esbuild. Create a loader or pull the css into the asset pipeline?

Trying to pull in fontawesome css:

import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/js/all";
import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css";  // results in no loader configured for .woff, .eot etc. 

CSS Bundling
@use "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css" as *;   // no route matches /webfonts

brian said over 2 years ago on Easy Infrastructure :
Could you cover a production level deployment to EC2 or Digital Ocean?

I am planning to migrate an app off Heroku.

brian said over 2 years ago on Deploying to Amazon Linux 2 :
Quick question on using different environment credentials. I am using GitHub Actions with my Test key, but GitHub can't find it?

This is my setup:

Do I need to have this in my environments/test.rb for this to work?
config.require_test_key = true

brian said over 2 years ago on Easy Infrastructure :
Thanks David, I think I will try Beanstalk. I just watched your videos on them last night, and left another comment about credentials. I do not need multiple regions, so Beanstalk is probably the way to go. I would rather deploy on AWS as I am more familiar with that anyway. Cheers.