Joined 6/6/2018
cfpmb018 said over 6 years ago on introduction of your editor :
Thanks for your replay, before that completely video for blog post, can you share your configuration for now ? Thanks again

cfpmb018 said over 6 years ago on introduction of your editor :
I've already use that , thanks

cfpmb018 said over 6 years ago on Two Factor Authentication :
Hi Kobaltz: Thanks for sharing. I'm working on a project with devise, and I want to make user much easier to login with only a token which will be send by SMS. Here is the process: 1. input phone number 2. get the token by SMS and input it, then submit the form 3. if the phone number is new then will create a new user and sign in , or sign in with this phone number I feel this gem can do this . can you help me show some key steps to implement this ? (devise part and this gem ) thanks.

cfpmb018 said over 6 years ago on Two Factor Authentication :
Yes, that's what I'm thinking: only the token is needed. Will the gem be strong enough to implement my example ? I mean the OTA part ( generate code and authorized with devise gem )?

cfpmb018 said over 4 years ago on Dynamic Role Management :
Great episode, please create more like this , and I think this could be a good series of "cancancan"