choffman PRO
Joined 9/28/2021
choffman PRO said over 3 years ago on Sign in with Apple :
Hey, one more question. :) 
Any idea what might be causing this error? Everything seems to be working correctly, I can authenticate / login into the web app. But Ithis flash message appears. I can't figure out what's causing "Nonce mismatch".  Any thoughts?
Could not authenticate you from Apple because "Nonce mismatch".

From the logs:
ERROR -- omniauth: (apple) Authentication failure! nonce_mismatch: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, nonce_mismatch | nonce mismatch

choffman PRO said over 3 years ago on Sign in with Apple :
I read changing this setting to :none will eliminate the error. But, that doesn't seem right. I tested it and it works in Safari and FF (no nonce mismatch error), but fails in Chrome. Hmmm.... 
config.action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection = :lax

choffman PRO said over 3 years ago on Sign in with Apple :
Hey Alana - Unfortunately, no I did not find a good solution. I had to move on to other tasks. I was able to find the line of code in the Gem that caused the nonce error, removing or suppressing it didn't seem like a good idea. Let me know if find anything that might work. 

FYI - 
The issue has been reported to GitHub:

choffman PRO said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
Great episode. Really enjoyed it. I noticed the flash message for the destroy method is inconsistent.  For example, around 12:06 in the video you delete the second record in your example, you get a confirmation but not the flash message "successfully destroyed".  I'm guessing the turbo_frame_tag is causing some sort of issue. 

choffman PRO said about 3 years ago on Hotwire Dashboards :
Great episode!