Line `@payment = JSON.parse(json,object_class: OpenStruct)` returns this error: `*** TypeError Exception: no implicit conversion of Hash into String` I copied the webhooks json directly from Stripe, so my format is json = { "data": { "object": { "id": "blahblah", "object": "checkout.session", ... Update: If I wrap the entire json block in '' to create a string it _seems_ to work.
☒ -> The resizeWidth dropzone option doesn't work b/c the autoqueue:false bypasses the calling of transformFile in the dropzone source. Trying to figure out right now where to call transformFile. There are also several "solutions" on SO.
☒ Nope, unfortunately not. I tried to hook into it and call it from my Stimulus controller, but of course the `this` scope got all screwed up. Let me know if you use it! I'm looking to use another library or do it manually.