David Kimura PRO
Joined 7/18/2015
Drifting Ruby Owner
Ruby Rogues Panelist
David Kimura PRO said about 1 month ago on Deploying with MRSK :
You should be able to set up SSL termination at the load balancer on Digital Ocean and forward the requests to the DO Droplets. https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/networking/load-balancers/how-to/ssl-termination/

David Kimura PRO said about 1 month ago on Tags from Scratch :
Inspect your page and make sure that the options value is being set for the Stimulus Controller

David Kimura PRO said 25 days ago :
You may need a rake task to run on the blobs. In the Rails console, look up a Blob that was uploaded.
It will likely return something like

Whatever you have set for the name in the storage.yml will be what you need to set for the service_name. You can bulk update this with something like
ActiveStorage::Blob.update_all(service_name: 'contabo')
Where, in this example, contabo would be the top level key name of the service in the storage.yml.

David Kimura PRO said 13 days ago on Tips and Tricks :
I think that in your example with p2, if you do 

p2 = Project.where(id: 13).load

Then you will find that 


will not trigger an additional query. I think that the way Rails is behaving, it's because the query isn't loading in IRB. If you type p2 in the terminal again, I think it will trigger another query.

David Kimura PRO said 5 days ago on Custom Fonts :
I think any of them would be sufficient and you can set the CSS to apply the font to the <body>. You'd have a CSS class for each font and that would be set based on their settings or the default font.