David Kimura PRO
Joined 7/18/2015
Drifting Ruby Owner
Ruby Rogues Panelist
David Kimura PRO said 21 days ago :
You should be able to edit your account information and change the email address to your university email address. This will trigger a verification email to the newly entered address. Once verified, the new email address will be updated to the primary.

David Kimura PRO said 14 days ago on Action Text PDFs :
That's a shame... I wonder if there's a missing buildpack or something on the heroku side. You may check this out https://github.com/Studiosity/grover?tab=readme-ov-file#running-on-heroku to see if it helps.

David Kimura PRO said 12 days ago on Action Text PDFs :
Yea, i think that it greatly depends on what the PDF is. In some applications I had both mechanisms for generating PDFs. When we needed something with a bit more granular control, we'd use Prawn. I do like Prawn because it is battle tested and it doesn't have a lot of external dependencies. But you're right, the added complexities and DSL can be overwhelming to say the least.

David Kimura PRO said 9 days ago on Kamal in GitHub Actions :
I've been using Kamal 2 in Github Actions. Are you running into an issue? 

David Kimura PRO said 4 days ago on Chat Agent :
Yes! I thought that there was something like that but my memory completely escaped me! This is a much nicer approach!