I'd say it greatly depends on how you have your applications structured. Will they both access the same database or does the Admin page act like a separate entity and will manage the client facing app through an API? If they are sharing the same database, but completely separate apps, how would the two different types of actors access the application? Would they be differentiated through a subdomain or different routes (URI)? Would you completely separate the two into different clusters or use something like a Procfile to launch both applications on the same cluster and mount them at different endpoints?
So there's a lot of questions here (and some of them rhetorical, but just to get your mind thinking about this stuff).
That's strange. I just reimplemented the push notifications from this episode on a few of my hobby apps and didn't run into that issue (even when generating new keys).
I wonder if you have another view/partial that is rendering the full template (therefore making another request back to the Rails app for the manifest).