Joined 4/5/2017
Dede said almost 8 years ago on Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes :

Thanks for the answer Kobaltz! everything is working fine in my project, i just found one problem, not work in production mode, do you know why? even making the "rails assets:precompile" don't appear the webcam in my view and i don't have any error in Chrome.

Any suggestion? thanks again!

Dede said almost 8 years ago on Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes :

I picked up your project and checked that it also does not work in production mode, and I noticed that you refer to quagga.js but I do not see it inside your project, I even looked at your gems but I did not find anything. Do you know what more can i do to fix it? thanks Kobaltz!

Dede said almost 8 years ago on Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes :

In my project i don't use turbolinks, do you know what can i do to fix this part of the JS code?

$(document).on('turbolinks:load', load_quagga);

this is my application.js

//= require jquery

//= require jquery_ujs

//= require jquery-ui

//= require autocomplete-rails

//= require jquery.min

//= require bootstrap

//= require twitter/bootstrap

//= require bootstrap/modal

//= require bootstrap-datepicker

//= require bootstrap-datepicker/core

//= require maskedinput

//= require fusioncharts/fusioncharts

//= require fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts

//= require fusioncharts/fusioncharts.theme.fint

//= require demo

//= require dash

//= require jquery.touchSwipe.min

//= require sweetalert

//= require dropzone

//= require progressbar

//= require quagga.min

//= require quagga

//= require_tree .

Dede said over 7 years ago on Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes :
i found now, but i don't understand why not works in production mode, in your project i had the same result... do you have some suggestion?

Dede said over 7 years ago on Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes :

Yes, i did it, nothing appear there too.. try to run your project in production mode, you gonna see that not is working too..

I did the same with your project.