eclectic-coding PRO
Joined 7/23/2020
eclectic-coding PRO said almost 2 years ago on Rails 7 API Application :
Really good episode.

It would be valuable if you added more episodes to an API series. For instance, covering building a resource (i.e. posts, etc) and shaping the json response from the API. It has been a while since you covered serializers and it might be a helpful resource to cover.

Thanks again.

eclectic-coding PRO said over 1 year ago on Developing in Docker :
Good episode

One Docker Desktop extension I use is Disk Cleanup. You should check it out. It gives you several ways to prune your environment.

eclectic-coding PRO said 11 months ago on Fart :
LOL, this is hysterical

eclectic-coding PRO said 9 months ago on Hotwire Combobox :
Nice video...

I have addressed the issue with using third party stimulus controllers as well. Glad to see you covered the issue.

What I do is create a new file: for third party controllers and include in application.js:
import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"

import "./controllers"
import "./controllers/third_party_controllers"

then I can add my third party controllers:
import { application } from "./application"

// Load third party controllers
import Flatpickr from "stimulus-flatpickr"
application.register('flatpickr', Flatpickr)

eclectic-coding PRO said 17 days ago on Outlets and Permanent Tags :
Thank you. This was very informative.

I have always struggled with figuring out Outlets, and this helped out a lot.