inopinatus PRO
Joined 2/2/2019
inopinatus PRO said almost 6 years ago on Nested Forms from Scratch with StimulusJS :
Would be interested in your take on a Vue.js version e.g. using slots.

inopinatus PRO said over 5 years ago on Saving Individual Attributes with StimulusJS :
Thanks for this episode! You mentioned there are gems that will handle typing of attributes stored in JSON, and although it was out of scope for this episode I'm still interested - any suggestions for which gems to look at? Or could we somehow just use the attributes API?

inopinatus PRO said over 5 years ago on ViewComponent in Rails :
I'm usually in favour of object/class based solutions, but ActionView::Component isn't my cup of tea at all. It's used at Github to solve problems most folks don't have, and frankly I think it goes way overboard in the wrong direction. Most tellingly, it's not an enthusiastic participant in the framework. All the boilerplate required shows us that, and there's no convention over configuration on display - their demo application has to use an if/else to choose a component instead of any kind of polymorphism. Take the benchmarks with a huge pinch of salt as well, because rendering a collection via partials is already very efficient. Note that the PR that has been merged is *not* ActionView::Component but support for the `render_in` hook that it depends on.

inopinatus PRO said almost 5 years ago on Drag and Drop with draggable :
Should I be concerned that shopify/draggable is no longer worked on by Shopify, appears to have only one remaining maintainer,  has been tagged "beta" release since 2017, no commits of substance since mid-2019, and the latest github release (also from months ago) wasn't published to NPM?

These are all huge red flags for "abandoned package" to me.

inopinatus PRO said almost 3 years ago on Dark theme :
This is very much appreciated. Thank you!