Kiran Patil
Joined 1/9/2018
Kiran Patil said about 7 years ago on Production Deployment on Ubuntu :

Thanks, one more thing is don't we need daemonize to run puma in background and environment is pointing to "development" in pumb.rb but it should be "production".

Kiran Patil said about 7 years ago on Production Deployment on Ubuntu :
Hi, Have you used capistrano for app deployment ? Please throw some light on it. Thanks.

Kiran Patil said about 7 years ago on Production Deployment on Ubuntu :
What would be configuration/tuning for postgresql on production ?

Kiran Patil said about 7 years ago on Production Deployment on Ubuntu :
No, I am looking for generic configuration tuning for on-premise server.

Kiran Patil said almost 7 years ago on Sidekiq on Production :
How about new episode on [sneaker]( gem ?