konung PRO
Joined 8/3/2017
konung PRO said about 3 years ago on Hotwire Dashboards :
Had to go down the rabbit hole -  couldn't figure out why my calls to openweathermap.org weren't working and freezing application for 60 seconds (until requests timed out)
This issue was in weather_service.rb for anyone else having the same issue.

konung PRO said almost 3 years ago on Remote Development :
The information about only being charged when droplet/vm is in use, is incorrect. Just shutting it down is not enough.

From https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing - FAQ Section. 
Why am I billed for powered off Droplets?
When you power off your Droplet, you are still billed for it. This is because your disk space, CPU, RAM, and IP address are all reserved, even while powered off. Therefore, charges are made until you destroy the instance.

Having said that, I will use this idea, to setup my kids with remote dev on their chromebooks, with VMs running on my home NAS device. 😀 ( Then hit them with unexpected bills 😈)

konung PRO said almost 3 years ago on Remote Development :

You terminated your instances, but you still have EC2 resources provisioned to your account 

The Elastic Compute Cloud line item in your bill includes resources other than instances. EC2 instances are often used along with other EC2 resources, such as the following: 

  • Elastic IP addresses
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes

I read it the same as DO's - they charge you as long as you consume resources, even if VM is shutdown.  I don't use AWS, so not entirely sure. 

konung PRO said almost 3 years ago on Roles from Scratch :
at 11:55

# .any?  -> Takes a block and enumerates


#  This is easier to read IMHO.  :) 