Leonardo Barroeta
Joined 2/4/2020
Leonardo Barroeta said over 4 years ago on StimulusJS, Active Storage and DropzoneJS :
Hello! Any recommendations for delete on storage on removedfile event?? Or there is other way to do it?

Leonardo Barroeta said almost 4 years ago on Bootstrap v5 :
A Tailwind installation video will be great, I was struggling with the JS.

Leonardo Barroeta said almost 3 years ago on Hotwire Modals :
Hey  great video helped me a lot, just a short typo in the turbo in turbo_controller.js at the first .then you write t.text instead of r.text. Greetings!

Leonardo Barroeta said almost 2 years ago on Deploying with MRSK :
Great video, but I've a question. What about handling multiple environments? (Staging/Production). Any ideas?