Luke Stutters
Joined 6/10/2020
Luke Stutters said over 4 years ago on Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit :
Well that sure was interesting. I expect the ARM Macs to have far less "grunt", which will be a first for Apple. The PowerPC -> Intel move which coincided with the previous Rosetta had a move to a more powerful CPU on its side. This time around, Apple is trading raw performance for efficiency, so I predict Rosetta 2 will be significantly slower than Rosetta 1, to the point that a lot of apps will be considered unusable.

I am developing on ARM platforms at the moment and I am trying to set up a more efficient workflow using cross-compilation on a different PC because the build time on ARM is miserable. I wonder if this will make "cloud build" workflows more popular?

Luke Stutters said over 4 years ago on Deferred Content Loading :
Hi Dave, you mentioned an episode on long polling but I could only find episode 211 ( which deals with regular polling and not specifically "long polling". Is there a long polling episode?

Luke Stutters said almost 4 years ago on Gem in a Box :
Thanks Dave, very topical!

But seriously, why [].tap?

Luke Stutters said over 3 years ago on Ransack Search and Hotwire :
That's a nice partial-per-class pattern.