Joined 9/28/2016
marklar said over 3 years ago on StimulusJS, Active Storage and DropzoneJS :
  did you end up getting resize working? If yes, are you able to share how? Thanks.

marklar said over 3 years ago on StimulusJS, Active Storage and DropzoneJS :
  I wasn't aware that  autoqueue:false bypasses the calling of transformFile. Thanks for pointing that out. Did you end up figuring out a way to call transformFile?

marklar said about 3 years ago on Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails :
  Stephane PAQUET have you been able to get fontawesome working in production with this approach? 

@import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/css/all';
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

For me, this works in development, however, the fonts aren't displayed correctly when deployed to Heroku.

Do you know the correct path to use in manifest.js when importing fontawesome into application.tailwind.css?

marklar said about 3 years ago on Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails :
Do you mean in the video where Dave copies the fonts from the node modules folder? If yes, I’m not keen on that approach. 

I think I’ll try using tailwind with postcss and see how I go.