Markus Sadler PRO
Joined 12/7/2016
Markus Sadler PRO said over 5 years ago on AWS Security Groups and Deploying Rails 6 to Beanstalk :
Quick note on migrations: you can customize it, so migrations (any commands, really) are only run on one instance. You can configure that in the ebextensions, by using `leader_only`. (

Markus Sadler PRO said over 5 years ago on AWS Security Groups and Deploying Rails 6 to Beanstalk :
Your comment section doesn't really work that well on the iPad, so I kept it as short as possible, sorry. :D

Markus Sadler PRO said almost 3 years ago on Hotwire Modals :
One enhancement for this approach is to wrap the form in a turbo_frame_tag as well and use a separate template to just update the form. This avoids any repeat animation that might look weird.

<%= turbo_frame_tag :project_form do %>
  <%= form_with model: project do |f| %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= turbo_stream.replace :project_form do %>
  <%= render partial: 'form', locals: { project: @project } %>
<% end %>

   We are using TailwindCSS and it works by using the tailwindcss-stimulus-components. The only thing you need to make sure is that `data-modal-open-value` is set on the controller element.