Joined 6/12/2018
mcfoton said over 6 years ago on Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks :
typo in clearing logs snippet: "if Rails.env.**devlopment**?"

mcfoton said over 5 years ago on Working with Large Data :
Thanks a lot for the episode! Tip: instead of (in the seed file) you can use Time.current, that automatically takes zone into account if you have any set up in the app :)

mcfoton said about 5 years ago on Minitest and Test Driven Development :
Thank you for the video! Love your stuff In RecallTest, and also for PriceCalculator and WeightCalculator I'd argue to not rely on implicit fixture setup and to create explicit setup at the top of the test file. Otherwise if a new person is coming to fix a bug without any knowledge of relations set in fixtures — it will be a pain for him to understand if the test really checks a valid return value :)

mcfoton said about 5 years ago on API Structure and Error Handling :
Thanks for the episode! Enjoing it as always. So you've shown how to use built-in rails validations and errors structure to generate error messages for the API. How would you then suggest to handle more complex cases when you may have errors that are not connected 1 to 1 with a field on the model? For example, if the user builds a Cart on the mobile app by adding Items to it and many things can produce an error when the user clicks 'Checkout': invalid coupon, some of the items out of stock, some with reduced quantity... I believe a separate service class is the way to go (CartHandler of sorts) that would make all this checks, but how would you suggest to transalte all this different errors to the client app? Any thoughts from your experience would be very welcome :)

mcfoton said almost 5 years ago on Reusable Ruby on Rails Application Templates :
Nice initiative with Rubidium, saving time is the way!

I wonder how the 'Templates' are compared to 'Generators' in Rails. In our company we have a ton of custom stuff (like overrides for Active Admin, model concerns etc) that we use for each end every project. So we've created a template Git repository with all of the project structure in place. And we clone this repo to start a new project. This template also has a Rails Generator that asks for a project name, replaces it in certain files, creates databases and runs db seeds.
It feels like all that is done through the Generator can be done using Templates. So what's the real difference between them? :)