Joined 2/5/2021
MtnBiker said about 4 years ago on reCAPTCHA v2 :
Please NO NO
ReCaptha is very annoying. Hard to decipher images. If the images were easy to decipher they wouldn't need us as chimps to help them. Why should we do work for some company for free? 

MtnBiker said over 3 years ago on Hotwire Turbo Replacing Rails UJS :
I'm very much a beginner so maybe I'm not seeing the advantages; but I don't see how this is better. Lots of code in lots of places to accomplish what is a given in standard rails.

MtnBiker said over 3 years ago on Hotwire Turbo Replacing Rails UJS :
David Kimura First of all I should thank you for your videos and for pushing the envelope so the issues can be understood. Also helps to know not to jump into shiny new toys too quickly, particularly since Rails seems to be transitioning.

I have a small app that had sat for a year and then about two years ago I took it up again and decided to update to Rails 6 and Webpacker. Which was probably a mistake (particularly in hind sight).

Thanks again

MtnBiker said about 2 years ago on Demystifying the Asset Pipeline :
Thank you. Nice to see the nuances of the changes in Rails 7 being explained. In particular that css included in js bundles can cause problems.