Joined 1/17/2022
nelsonchavespro said over 2 years ago on Private Chat Groups :
Hey  are you going to do a continuation to this episode? like accepting the users, notifications and whatever else you were planning for it

nelsonchavespro said over 2 years ago on Real-time Comments and Voting :
is there a way to query this or scope whatever is best? So I can display the comments highest to lowest? The comment with the highest votes displays first

nelsonchavespro said over 2 years ago on Limiting Text Input :
I love this but not working for me. I tried putting on my text_area and it works but only at 160. I changed the data-text-limiter-limit-value="1000", and it only displays 160. What am I doing wrong?

.form-outline.mb-4{"data-controller" => "text-limiter", "data-text-limiter-limit-value" => "1000"}
  = f.text_area :body, placeholder: "Add your comment", class: "form-control"

nelsonchavespro said over 2 years ago on Limiting Text Input :
  David Kimura I tried both ways integer or string. I noticed that too when i translated erb to haml. still doesn't work

nelsonchavespro said over 2 years ago on Limiting Text Input :
  David Kimura so I started testing this out again. I tried putting 150 characters on the value. It works. it won't let me type past 150 characters. but the label display still says "10 characters remaining" in red. then i tried 170 characters on the value. and it works again I cant type more than 170 characters but the label displaying now says "-10 characters remaining" in red. for some reason the label display is stuck on 160.