Olaoluwa Afolabi
Joined 8/17/2019
Olaoluwa Afolabi said over 5 years ago on Working with Large Data :
In a case where you want to update `VehicleTracker` table such that you find a record with `VehicleTracker.find(params[:id])`, how will you go about it?

Olaoluwa Afolabi said over 5 years ago on Working with Large Data :
The reason am asking is that you have suppressed `:id` from being created on `VehicleTrackers` table, In a case where you have vehicle_id column relation on `VehicleTracker` which is the same `id` for any record created by `Vehicle` on `VehicleTracker table`, how do you have a unique `params[:id]` to filter and update a table?

Olaoluwa Afolabi said over 5 years ago on Working with Large Data :
Okay, so something like this will do: ``` class CreateEntries < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change create_table :entries, primary_key: :user_id, id: false do |t| t.bigint :user_id, null: false, foreign_key: true t.string :purpose, null: false t.datetime :time_in t.datetime :time_out t.timestamps end add_index :entries, %i[user_id purpose time_in time_out] end end ```

Olaoluwa Afolabi said over 5 years ago on Improving Partial Loading Performance :
So I tried to use episode #149 i.e. https://www.driftingruby.com/episodes/rails-presenters with this very lovely solution but it flagged SQL errors as it is expected when I added Will Paginate and Kaminari Gem So my question is: How do you use Kaminari or WillPagnate Gem with this?

Olaoluwa Afolabi said about 5 years ago on Ecommerce Store with Solidus :
I have a lot of questions but I will start with some bothering me: When you scaffold a new Solidus App, it creates a Monolith eCommerce right from an Highly Modular App. What do you think about making this a Modular Architecture instead of the Monolith it created for you?