olimart PRO
Joined 3/26/2018
olimart PRO said over 6 years ago on Service Objects for API Interactions with Twilio :
Nicely refined and refactored. Should be the default structure in all projects :)

olimart PRO said over 5 years ago on Client Side Validation with StimulusJS :
Hi. How would you turn that into an npm package? Should validate.js be bundled with this package or be installed in the main application (like StimulusJS library).

olimart PRO said over 5 years ago on Client Side Validation with StimulusJS :
Thanks. However, it raises an error because validate.js is missing ``` Error: Could not load validate.js (imported by /stimulus-validate/src/index.js): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'validate.js' ``` Any idea?

olimart PRO said over 5 years ago on Client Side Validation with StimulusJS :
I did.

olimart PRO said about 1 year ago on Streaming LLM Responses :
Really fond of those LLM/ML-related episodes.