Joined 5/8/2019
ovi_tsb said almost 6 years ago on More on Stripe and Subscriptions :
Perfect !!! I tried something like this but I had subscription.delete instead subscription.save. Thank you man I was working to find the solution in the last 3 days.

ovi_tsb said almost 6 years ago on More on Stripe and Webhooks :

ovi_tsb said almost 6 years ago on More on Stripe and Webhooks :
If anybody in the future is going to have the same problem. Double entry for the same customer I fixed with local: true in new subscription form: ``` ```

ovi_tsb said almost 4 years ago on Creating and Reading QR Codes :
Hi Dave, I did everything like you did  (I believe :)) ) but my camera doesn't start. I don't see any errors in my console and my canvas is displayed. What I have different is the ruby '2.4.1' and 'rails', '~> 5.2.4', '>='. Do you think those can block my camera?


ovi_tsb said almost 4 years ago on Creating and Reading QR Codes :
I rebuild everything in rails 6  like you have and it's working.
Please help me with searching. I want something like when you scan a QRcode what exist in a product send to show page and if is not saved send to new product page.
After scanning the code it give me the path of the product not the name like in your case