paul PRO
Joined 4/4/2024
paul PRO said 4 months ago on Kamal 2 with PostgreSQL :
Thank you  wavemind for your concern! I just start from scratch because I couldn't figure it out. I also change the name for my devcontainer/compose.yml and devcontainler.json file and used different one from my app and just worked. I don't know if that was the problem but on a second thought after your comment that you had to stop the local postgres server I give more chances to be that.

paul PRO said 3 months ago on Logging in Rails :
Hello  David Kimura and thanks for the video, I use Kamal 2 to deploy my app to digital ocean. I also keep the logs in the server. Since  kamal uses docker and Docker logs capture all the output from the processes running inside a Docker container including rails logs (correct me if I am wrong). Is there a point doing this  in our production.rb :
  config.logger ="log/production.log", 5, 50.megabytes)  or we should do something like this in our production.rb file  config.logger =  and in Docker Configuration (in /etc/docker/daemon.json): {
  "log-driver": "json-file",
  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "50m",
    "max-file": "5"

paul PRO said 2 months ago on Kamal Logs :
Thanks   David Kimura , you are awesome! I have a question: If we just keep our logs in our vm where the app itself is. And we use log rotation to keep the log file small. So my question is, how can we comply with GDPR and also set a time limit? I read somewhere this: Docker's JSON file log rotation is currenly only volume-based (via the max-size and max-file options for --log-opt). However, for GDPR compliance we need time-based rotation, so that container logs are guaranteed to be deleted after e.g. 30 days.

paul PRO said 2 months ago on Kamal Logs :
Thanks  David Kimura  for your quick responses. I don't need any identifiable information of the users . How can I set docker to not keep any of these info or set a time to remove logs? I am trying to crate a cookies policy for my app and I want to comply the gdpr which tells that you can have logs for troubleshooting issues but set a time limit for you logs. 

Currently I have this:   

  # production.rb file
  config.logger ="log/production.log", 5, 50.megabytes)

  # application.rb file
    config.lograge.formatter =
    config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|
        controller: event.payload[:controller],
        action: event.payload[:action],
        params: event.payload[:params].except("controller", "action"),
        method: event.payload[:method],
        status: event.payload[:status],
        format: event.payload[:format],
        path: event.payload[:path],

paul PRO said 8 days ago on Development Approach :
  David Kimura  you are a wizard! Thanks for the video.  I have a question. Let's take your choose your game story example. Lets say you created this game using a python script and not ruby, and we want to wrap this into an api to intergrade it with a rails app. How would you approach this? Is there any video you recommend from your channel to understand more about these stuff!