rcoproc PRO
Joined 1/10/2018
rcoproc PRO said almost 6 years ago on Nested Forms from Scratch with StimulusJS :
Congratulations Kobaltz, everything worked properly and great stuff. Thanks for posting on Rails 6 already, a lot of good coming around. A note (maybe) a little bug I found. When entering edit mode of some list to do, I tried to do the inclusion of new lines or remove existing ones and it does not work. No error is shown in console.log. The add new record and delete events only work when I'm in the include mode of the to-do. Hugs and good work.

rcoproc PRO said almost 4 years ago on Deploying to Amazon Linux 2 :
David Congratulations ..
These update tips were fantastic, but they took a lot of work and a lot!