Rocela Durazo
Joined 3/3/2017
Rocela Durazo said about 5 years ago on From jQuery to ES6 :
Ok, thanks :-)

Rocela Durazo said over 4 years ago on Tracking Changes on Action Text :
Hi Dave, wondering if we want to track a version of an article when the title change, is it posible to found if the record.title change  in the initializer or how can we achieve this ? 

Rocela Durazo said over 4 years ago on Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit :
that's a bummer I need a new mac for coding, I manly use docker, rvm, iterm, vim and brave browser.  

Rocela Durazo said over 3 years ago on Error Tracking from Scratch :
Hey I learn a lot from this episode, thanks!

nice trick to get a positive number 
[source[1].to_i - 5, 0].max

Rocela Durazo said over 3 years ago on Speeding Up Requests :
Cool episode to see alternatives you have with your PostgreSQL db.
TIL about the highlight method too. Thanks!