Simon Kiteley PRO
Joined 10/25/2016
Simon Kiteley PRO said almost 3 years ago on From Editor to IDE :
No idea why. Debugging seems to work great on Rails 6 but not for Rails 7. All my projects are still on Rails 6... so no big problem at the moment. 

Simon Kiteley PRO said almost 3 years ago on Turbo Native for iOS :
I'd like to see the Android version. Cheers Simon

Simon Kiteley PRO said almost 3 years ago on SweetAlerts in Rails 6 :
Anyone had any luck with sweet alerts and Turbo?

Simon Kiteley PRO said almost 2 years ago on 3D Secure 2 Credit Cards and Stripe Checkout :
Has anyone had any luck when you want to update a subscription but you get "subscription_payment_intent_requires_action" as an exception because it wants you to authenticate again?

Simon Kiteley PRO said about 1 year ago on Turbo native IOS and Android :
With Strada coming along I think this would be really valuable with Strada being a layer on top.