Simon Moro
Joined 2/4/2018
Simon Moro said over 6 years ago on Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks :
Great little video of helpful tips :) Thanks!

Simon Moro said over 4 years ago on Bulk Upload with Active Storage :
Thanks for this, Dave!

This is SO much cleaner than the hack I tried to do that looked like this... Plus I also had other logic around project count track limits... I appreciate the tutorial :)

if files.length > 0
    files.each do |f|
      @project.tracks.create(mp3_file: ActiveStorage::Blob.find_signed(f), file_size_limit: file_size_limit)

Simon Moro said about 4 years ago on Diving into Hotwire :
This is great. I especially loved the walkthrough of the tasks... The Asset Pipeline has been doing my head in ever since Webpacker - seeing how the tasks include javascript files was very helpful :) Thanks!

Simon Moro said over 3 years ago on Adding Custom Buttons to Action Text :
This is great, thank you! I have been looking into how to do this. I've found it easy to add alignment and sizing. However, is there a flag to make Trix auto remove a previously set value. For example, when I choose another color, they are both selected. I imagine it's a simple flag I'm missing? Perhaps in the Trix.config.textAttributes setup? Essentially, looking for a replace method rather than adding the value to the style attribute.
