Joined 8/1/2019
tbcooney said over 4 years ago on Tracking Changes on Action Text :
This is a great episode! The Lockbox gem recently added support for Action Text Rich Text snippets to encrypt them.  would it be possible to restore a version of an article record? Basecamp does something similar to this episode, where a Document has many Document::Version and the user can see an updated view of all the changes that have happened to the document. For restoring a version, you can open up a  Document::Version and click a button to "Make this the current version."

tbcooney said over 4 years ago on Tracking Changes on Action Text :
I think it wouldn't justify it's own controller, and `restore` could be an action on the `Document::VersionsController`. The route might look like this, but I'm not sure what the logic in that method would look like.

# config/routes.rb
  resources :articles do
    scope module: 'articles' do
      resources :versions do
        post :restore, on: :member

tbcooney said over 4 years ago on Tracking Changes on Action Text :
  well said, and I agree with those points. Have you an idea what the logic in the RestoreController might look like to allow a user to "restore" a prior version to "Make this the current version."?

tbcooney said about 2 years ago on Hotwire Dashboards :
This is a great tutorial David! Easy way to present users with a pre-configured dashboard. 

How would you extend the ability to allow a User to further customize the dashboard widgets? i.e a User can go into their dashboard to reorder and reconfigure modules with dragging and dropping, add widgets etc.

tbcooney said 10 months ago on Custom Fonts :
Great episode! If we were to look at some of the practices working with multi-tenant applications, which of these two approaches would be best to give users the freedom to select a font of their choice from a settings section?